I just had to share it the minute I watched it. I follow this lovely Scottish gentleman on YouTube and if you enjoy Doctor Who and tribute bands, you may want to consider watching him too (By consider, I mean subscribe to him immediately. Never a dull moment with Liam here).
He does pose a fairly interesting question, one that many of us, myself included, have asked at one point of our nerdy lives or another: just what IS a gamer? Is it the amount of games played? Knowledge on said games? Which console you play?
There are quite a few different views on just what constitues a gamer, Liam himself asked for a couple of viewers to post a response in his comments section on what they believe a gamer is. The one I found most interesting was this one, posted by EmmaOnATangent: (Note: David Tennant was the actor who portrayed Doctor Who during the 2nd-4th season of the new series. Liam had made a video regarding a curious and rather humorous incident with Mr. Tennant. Which can be found here. Also, bit of a follow-up disclaimer video here.)
Well, I think it's pretty obvious that a "gamer" SHOULD be someone who loves games. Both watching and playing them, even if you play them poorly, or don't happen to OBSESSED with them. Because love is not obsession (as anyone who has been stalked my David Tennant should know ;) JUST LOVE GAMES! If that's chess, rugby, tennis, poker or Portal shouldn't matter, but, of course, for some reason it does.
I say, as Nerdfighters, we should try to oust this stereotype. JUST LOVE GAMES!
Stay groovy! :)
To me, a gamer is defined by a love and passion for every aspect of a video game as well as their experience with them. I don't define a gamer by the amount of games played (Now, now, hold your horses people, I'm not being a hypocrite here, keep reading) because the sad truth is anyone with good motor skills and better hand-eye co-ordination could breeze through a good amount of video games without even the slightest appreciation for the game itself. My personal quest in seeking to play as many games on The List as I can comes from an overwhelming desire to expand my current knowledge on video games and to damn well say I've played all the video games my friends constantly gush about. I was never able to play these games because my first system was a PlayStation 2 and I honestly did not have the money in order to afford the games I wanted; and before you even start, yes, asking my parents was out of the question. I'm not saying that my parents are horrible people, they aren't, they just never really understood why I wanted to play games that were mostly associated as the past-times of boys (the male vs. female debate is one too long and too old for me to really want to get into so let's just leave it at that).
Now that I am older and have the means in order to acquire games myself, I have decided that it is a perfect time to look back on the games of old and finally play that which I had coveted from my much more fortunate friends. Currently, I am playing through The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on my Nintendo DSlite and finding it quite enjoyable. I'll be putting up reviews on each game as I complete them and possibly making vlog (video log) or podcasts about my experience (this is less of a "possibly" and more of an "almost certainly" considering my friends decided it must be so.)
I'll leave you with this though: What do you consider a gamer? In your own words? (That's right, close out of that wiki entry right this minute and use that wonderful mass of tissue in that head of yours to conjure up an original answer)