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Female. Early 20's. Enjoys Video Games. Sanity? Questionable.

Friday, March 16, 2012

On Saving the Universe...

Oh dear, it seems I've left this blog unattended.



Really, I'm sorry. I just have this perpetual procrastination problem that I've been trying to resolve with not much success.

I have yet to play any of the games on The List to completion yet and I suppose that is going to be a trend for a good while until I finally decide to take some charge in the matter. Maybe actually do vlogs (video blogs) about my experiences because, quite frankly, some of the noises I made while playing Mass Effect 3 were not of this world and my reactions were priceless.

Oh, I didn't mention I had acquired Mass Effect 3 on release day? And completed it this past weekend? Well, that's just silly of me. I suppose I should write something about my experiences with the game, what choices I made throughout and how terrible I thought the ending was. Except, that last bit is completely untrue. I actually genuinely enjoyed the ending I was presented with in the game and believe that people need to stop whining about it ever ten bloody seconds.

Im going to go ahead and give those of you who haven't beaten Mass Effect 3 yet to kindly navigate themselves away from this webpage and somewhere much more friendly. I'll even provide some nice links for you.

>I can has cheezburger?<


>Wallet Alleviation Support Group<

Okay, now that those filthy heathens have gone, let's get right to it shall we?

To start off, I chose Synthesis as my ending and am very happy with it.

If you did not like the ending of Mass Effect 3 I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're idea of a "good ending" would have been that Shepard lived, saved the Universe, didn't destroy the Mass Relays and had a nice and happy tea party with her (I played Fem Shep) crew while enjoying a threesome with Garrus and Kaidan (If you like Kaidan, if not, have nice hot dangerous poison sex with Garrus).

That right there? That is not a good ending. That is blatant fan appeasement and is never a good thing. If you played ME3 and didn't know from the beginning that there is no way Shepard is going to survive this game, what on earth were you doing playing it in the first place? Have you never read good sci-fi? Or fiction for that matter? Main Characters Die. I'm not saying they always die but with a plot line as drama heavy as Mass Effect's, I knew there was no way Shepard was going to live through it. I knew she was going to die to save the ones she loved, at least in my Shepard's case.

However, if you don't like the ending because it left a numerous amount of questions unanswered and a certain amount of plot holes, I can respect that. I will admit that there are some questions I wish I had answered. I suppose the biggest problem some people tend to have in terms of plot holes is, the last time a Mass Relay was destroyed it ended up destroying the Star System it was in. So, we can assume that with the destruction of the Mass Relays at the end of ME3, we pretty much destroyed all the Star Systems in the Galaxy. Yes and no.

My theory is pretty much that what we witness in The Arrival DLC is what happens when a Mass Relay explodes and what in fact happened to the Mass Relays in ME3 is that they imploded. They collapsed onto themselves. That light we see spreading from each Mass Relay destruction? It's the dispensation of which energy you chose to unleash in the Galaxy and not the Mass Relay exploding. It's pretty clear that a certain amount of energy is dispersed from a Mass Relay whenever a ship passes through one, that amount being so minimal as to barely be seen or noticed with the exception of the flash of light and sound made once a ship jumps through one Mass Relay and reaches the other. Now, what happens when what you are sending through a relay is pure energy? A larger dispensation of that energy, the light we see being dispersed into each system as it goes from relay to relay. Somehow, I truly doubt that a completely sentient AI would have suggested any of the options with the end result being the destruction of ALL LIFE anyway seeing as that's precisely what it was trying to avoid. Now, I could be completely wrong, not being a physicist or astrophysicist to know exactly how this sort of thing would work, but it's what makes sense for me.

There are other problems some people have had that seem to be individualistic issues depending on who you decide to come with you on the final mission, how many side missions you completed before returning to Earth, etc. Some people who took Liara, Kaidan, or Garrus on the last mission have said that they then see them emerging from the Normandy on the alien planet they landed on. How they went from the final push against the Reapers to being back on the Normandy is left unexplained and although it does cause some minor bother in me, it's not enough to make me hate the game.

The same goes for the Normandy landing on that alien planet in general. Why was the Normandy running away? Why were they going through the relay if it had just been destroyed? Were they even going through the relay? Now, this just occurred to me, so bare with me here. I don't think the Normandy went through the relay at all. The energy we see Joker frantically trying to get the Normandy away from? It's not from going through the relay to escape the blast, I think that is the blast of the Mass Relay itself. I think Joker was just trying to get as far away from it as possible seeing as he had no idea what the hell it was. Remembering it now, what I think Joker was actually running away from was a Black Hole that had been caused by the implosion of the relay, which explains why he was flung onto some new alien world. It's one of the theories I remember hearing about Black Holes, they'll fling you to the other end of the universe or something like that. I don't know if this means the entirety of each system were sucked into Black Holes or not, as I said, not an astrophysicist, but it's something to think on.

Do forgive that not a whole lot of this makes sense and I may have just contradicted myself in the last paragraph, but it's what makes some sense to me.

And, if you're looking for a fan ending to ease your pain, I recommend this one:
Alternate ME3 Fan Ending


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